Пенсионные накопления в Казахстане ( подготовка документов и изъятие).
Kazakh Service Centre может помочь вам подготовить пакет документов для изъятия ваших обязательных пенсионных накоплений из пенсионного фонда в Казахстане. Изъятие пенсионных накоплений возможно лишь в случае если у вас есть разрешение миграционной полиции Казахстана на выезд (соответствующий штамп ОВИРа) в КЗ паспорте.
If your Kazakhstan passport is expired you cannot return to Kazakhstan. In this case you need to obtain single mission Kazakhstan Travel Document (Свидетельство на возвращение).
Please contact us and we will provide you the latest updated list of the documents and all templates according to your unique situation.
Kazakh Service Centre can provide services for production of letter from the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Canada concerning confirmation of previous driving experience in Kazakhstan. This is often needed to receive proper Canadian driver licences with the adequate categories.
Starting from January 1, 2015 all citizens of Kazakhstan (including those returning from overseas for permanent residence in Kazakhstan) have to be registered at their place of residence in Kazakhstan (similar to "propiska" during Soviet times).