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Услуги в Китае для Казахстанских граждан

Power of Attorney Preparation for Further Use in Kazakhstan and former USSR republics


Power of Attorney Preparation for Further Use in Kazakhstan and former USSR republics

International Legal Consuls of Kazakh Service Center can prepare any types of internationally recognized Power of Attorneys for further using them in Kazakhstan and in any republics of the former USSR.

The rate is 100 US for each power of attorney. If you need 2 (two) almost identical power of attorneys the rate is 100+50 US. The preparation timing is 3 hours after we get all your relevant personal information from you by email.

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Пенсионные накопления в Казахстане ( подготовка документов и изъятие).


Пенсионные накопления в Казахстане ( подготовка документов и изъятие)

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